Announcing our lovely puppet designer... Ali Goldaper!
Ali and Marielle Duke (Founder/Director) go way back. In fact, they go back to Marielle's first day of college, where she approached the amicable Ali who seemed to somehow know everything theatrical and insisted that Ali become her theater mentor. Finally, three years later they had a chance to work on their first show together when Marielle directed Sheila Callaghan's Crumble (Lay Me Down, Justin Timberlake). Ali created a set filled with distinct, yet fluid spaces and see through walls that fit the surrealistic nature of the play. And now, they are teaming up again! With a background in bread and puppet theater, Ali was the natural choice to take on Brechtian puppets.
and, to let you into her mind, I present to you her preliminary sketches:
For those of you who think art and theater cannot exist during this horrid recesion, I direct you towards the Cheap Art Manifesto, stemming from the bread and puppet theatres:
Here's hoping it provides you all with some inspiration too!
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